You have the desire to get organized and you have set aside time to do it. Now you're ready to get started. You may ask, what is the best and easiest way? I want to share with you today the S.P.A.C.E method that many organizing experts use. It is a tool that will help you to organize your home in the most efficient and effective way possible. It is so simple that this post is actually going to be kept pretty short and sweet because I KNOW you can understand it and use it without a ton of explanations.
This tool is known as the S.P.A.C.E method. Let me break it down for you.
It is really simple. I suggest when you are using this tool, you literally only do one small space at a time. This will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. Examples of this might include 1 cupboard, a drawer, a shelf, under the kitchen sink, under the bathroom sink, a tool box, etc. One of the biggest complaint people have about getting organized can be prevented if you choose small spaces to prevent overwhelm. If you want to go a little bigger such as all lower cupboards or upper cabinets, go ahead but make sure you plan enough time to clear the clutter within the same day or you will not see the positive results. I do not recommend doing an entire room or house at once, unless absolutely necessary and you have plenty of help. Let me break each step down further and explain what they entail.
Sort - Grab some bins and find a small space you can tackle in one session. Sort into 5 or 6 macro categories.
Purge - This is the fun part! Toss any obvious garbage and donate anything you don't use. Think how wonderful your space will look when it's not filled with things you no longer use or appreciate anymore!
Assign - Now that you have your categories, figure out a place in your home you would like to store these. Run around the house and try to find any more things you can fit in this category so they can be stored in a single place.
Contain - This is the step where you are going to be putting things away and the "organizing" step. I want you to find some containers to put them in. You can get great containers from the Dollar Store or just use some boxes for now. Once that container is full, you have reached your limit. You can either add another container or figure out what can go to make space. TIP: Start with your favorite things and the things you use the most. That way if your container gets full, you don't have to go back through it again. You will know for sure you are keeping what you have already put in the container.
Eliminate the Mess - This is the final step. It is donating the items, tossing the garbage, and putting things away. Do not skip this step. If you do, you will feel overwhelmed and feel like you just made a bigger mess. Put everything away in their new homes. Take the garbage out and put the things you will donate in the car or in a place where you will actually take it.
Now you can do it. It's that simple. The only question is, where are you going to start?
I've even created a printable to help you remember! Download below.