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No More Excuses - Let's Declutter

I don't have enough time, organizing is expensive, my family won't help me, I don't have the physical ability, there is no point.

Have you ever said any of these before?

Me too.

Yea, excuses. We hear them all the time. I've said some of them myself. You may find a way to validate each one. Buy why? You would only be hurting your own progress.

I'm going to keep this straight to the point.

If you want to make real progress in your home, put down the excuses and pick up a basket (or bag or whatever you are going to use) and get started.

Mel Robins, a very successful life coach, motivational speaker, and author say that we waste more energy making plans and procrastinating then we do to actually complete the task in the first place. By the time you stress and over plan, the energy it would have taken to complete a project is often already spent.

Truth bomb. Organizing and decluttering doesn't need to be a big, expensive, overwhelming task. Like any goal, break it down into small manageable steps. Enlist the help of others. Spend 15 minutes right now. Start with the duh clutter - you know the garbage, expired items, and things that you don't have to think about.

I know I only saw progress in my home when I stopped making excuses and overthinking and just got started.

That's why November I am starting a super simple challenge to Jumpstart you on your decluttering journey.

The challenge: Declutter the day of the month. Ex. November 1 declutter 1 item, November 30 declutter 30 items. This can be easy and small items.

Follow along and I know you can do this!

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